desert adj. 荒芜的,不毛的;沙漠的;无人的。 a desert island 荒岛。 n. 1.沙漠;荒漠。 2.〔比喻〕荒凉的境地;枯燥无味的学科;历史上的荒芜时代(等)。 the Gobi D- 戈壁滩。 vt. 1.丢开,抛弃。 2.擅离(职守)。 desert one's colours (兵)开小差;叛变。 His presence of mind deserted him. 他失去镇静。 vi. 逃亡,逃走 (from);开小差。 He deserted to the enemy. 他投敌去了。 n. 1.功过;该受奖赏[处罚]的品质[行动]。 2.应得的报酬,应得的奖赏[处罚]。 3.功劳,美德。 get [meet with] one's deserts 受相当奖赏[处罚]。 The honour is above my desert. 荣誉过当。
Taking the badain jaran desert and its neighboring district as an example , discreteness , principal component and correlation of the chemical constituents of water samples were analyzed for the benefit of data collection and test 摘要以巴丹吉林沙漠及邻区为例,基于距离空间基本原理,对水样化学成分进行了离散性、主成分和相关性分析,指导样品数据采集和化验。
Clustering figure shows that , along the route groundwater seepage , the melt water first recharges groundwater of nuoertu , then that of gurinai and guaizi lake ; the long clustering distances of groundwater samples of gurinai and guaizi lake perhaps result from infiltration of the heihe river ; it ' s impossible that water of heihe river recharges underwater of the badain jaran desert represented by nuoertu 由聚类图推测:祁连山冰川融水通过地下首先经过诺尔图,然后到达古日乃和拐子湖;古日乃和拐子湖地下水某些样品聚合距离大,可能是由黑河水渗入引起的,少量黑河水可通过古日乃渗入拐子湖引起地下水成分变化;没有迹象显示黑河水补给巴丹吉林沙漠(以诺尔图为代表)地下水。